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The Opening Ceremony of the 14th AUPF

Time:November 8, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

On November 6th 2015, the opening ceremony of the 14th Asian University Presidents Forum was held at the north campus of GDUFS, where 171 representatives from 80 universities in 26 countries attended. The theme of the 14th AUPF was Asian higher education connectivity: vision, process and approach. Attendees were Hans d'Orvi, Special Advisor to the Director-General of the UNESCO and its Former Assistant Director-General for Strategic Planning; LUO Haocai, Vice Chairman for the 9th and 10th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; CHEN Yuanxian, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province; WEI Zhonglin, Director-General of Education Department of Guangdong Povince; Jekuk Chang, President of Dongseo University, Korea; SUI Guangjun, CPS Secretary of GDUFS; ZHONG Weihe, President of GDUFS; FANG Fanquan, Vice President of GDUFS and other representatives. FANG hosted the opening ceremony.


All members of AUPF singing the anthem


At the beginning of the opening ceremony, a video — Welcome to GDUFS — was shown. Then GDUFS’s students welcomed the representatives warmly in different languages. All representatives sang the anthem of AUPF.


SUI delivered the welcome address. He emphasized that higher education should keep pace with new situations, especially in the time of globalization. Taking GDUFS as a good example, he elaborated the important role which AUPF plays in the development of Asian higher education.


SUI delivering the welcome address


CHEN Yunxian pointed out that AUPF is a helpful platform for academic and cultural communication among the Asian universities. He expressed his expectation that all representatives could make good use of the 14th AUPF to know each other, to learn from each other and to broaden their international horizons, as so to deepen the cooperation and to have more cooperation projects.


CHEN Yunxian delivering a speech


Jekuk Chang showed his heartfelt thanks to all the staff who were working for the 14th AUPF and expressed best wishes to the 50th anniversaries of GDUFS and the 14th of AUPF.


Jekuk Chang delivering a speech


During the opening ceremony, LUO, CHEN, WEI, SUI and ZHONG electronically unveiled together the sculpture of the 14th AUPF.


Unveiling the sculpture of the 14th AUPF


After the tea break, Hans d'Orvi gave a keynote speech. He clarified the importance of higher education and scientific research concerning overcoming worldwide challenges; analyzed the dilemma of higher education; made some suggestions, and showed his vision for the future of higher education.


Hans d'Orvi delievering a keynote speech


ZHONG gave a speech on Promoting Interconnectivity for the Future of Asian Higher Education. He firstly showed the importance of cooperation among Asian universities. He introduced the success that GDUFS has achieved in the field of internationalization, and expressed thanks for the strong support from other Asian universities. Finally, he gave five proposals for the 14th AUPF.


ZHONG delivering a keynote speech



Participating Institutions in the 14th AUPF

From Bangladesh:

• Daffodil International University

• Southern University of Bangladesh

From Cambodia:

• Build Bright University

• Cambodian University for Specialties

• Norton University

From Canada:

• Kwantlen Polytechnic University

From Cape Verde:

• Sino-Cape Verde Friendship Association

• Universidade De Cabo Verde

From China:

• Anhui University

• Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University United International College

• Beijing Technology and Business University

• Chaoshan Vocational and Technical College

• Chongqing Technology and Business University

• Guangdong Police College

• Guangdong University of Finance

• Guangdong University of Finance & Economics

• Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

• Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology

• Guangzhou Maritime Institute

• Guangzhou Medical University

• Hanshan Normal University

• Huizhou University

• Lingnan Normal University

• Nanjing University of Finance & Economics

• Shanghai International Studies University

• Shantou University

• Sichuan International Studies University

• South China Normal University

• Yangzhou University

• Zhejiang Gongshang University

• Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

• Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

• Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao Special Administrative Region

• Ling Tung University, Taiwan

• Open University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan

• Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan

From France:

• ESC Rennes School of Business

From India:

• VIT University

From Indonesia:

• Potensi Utama University

• Sultan Agung Islamic University

• Universitas Negeri Jakarta

• Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia

• Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

• University Pembangunan Panca Budi

• Yogyakarta State University

From Israel:

• Galilee International Management Institute

From Japan:

• Asia University

• Hannan University

• Josai University

• Kanagawa Institute of Technology

• Kanagawa University

• Kobe College

• Kyoto University of Foreign Studies

• Sapporo University

From Korea:

• Busan University of Foreign Studies

• Chosun University

• Dongseo University

From Malaysia:

• Universiti Malaysia Perlis

From Mauritius:

• Alif Society

From Myanmar:

• University of Yangon

From Pakistan:

• National University of Modern Languages

From Peru:

• Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria

From the Philippines:

• Our Lady of Fatima University

• Panpacific University North Philippines

• Philippine Normal University

• University of Santo Tomas

From Poland:

• AGH University of Science and Technology

• Jagiellonian University

From Russia:

• Moscow State Linguistic University

• Ural Federal University

From Thailand:

• Bangkok University

• Christian University of Thailand

• Mahasarakham University

• Naresuan University

From the United Kingdom:

• Coventry University

• University of Central Lancashire

• The University of Westminster

From the United States:

• Harding University

From Vietnam:

• Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport

• University of Social Sciences and Humanities


Chinese Report: 亚洲大学校长论坛我校开幕 26国家地区高校代表出席