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Delegates from Sri Lanka visited GDUFS

Time:April 10, 2016  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

On April 6th, delegates from the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, visited GDUFS. A meeting was held with the delegates on the north campus. FANG Fanquan, Vice President of GDUFS, attended the meeting.


At the beginning of the meeting, Tilak P.D. Gamage, Professor of International Affairs and Education Division, explained purposes of this visit. The University of Ruhuna has a cooperative relationship with South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. They are looking forward to expanding the relationship with institutes in China. In addition to cooperating in science, they are also looking for opportunities of cooperation in management, humanities, social sciences and so on.


Tilak P.D. Gamage Speaking


The University ranks fourth in Sri Lanka. It has established eight faculties with about 8,000 students and over 1,000 staff. The country, Sri Lanka, is of geographical strategic importance to the Belt and Road Initiative.


After this, Vice President FANG gave a brief introduction of GDUFS. He stated that the distinction of GDUFS and other universities was the combination of English and other majors. Students of GDUFS acquire professional skills of English, who will be more competitive in the job market.


Vice President FANG


CHEN Hanxi, Deputy Secretary General of Guangdong Institution for International Strategies, introduced the research areas of Collaborative Innovation Center for 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Studies. He said there would be new programs at Doctorate and Master’s levels this year. It is called Country Studies and Regional Studies.


WANG Zetang, Director of the Department of Development and Planning, illustrated targets of disciplinary development of GDUFS in the next five years. To make GDUFS stand out among China’s higher institutions, they will work on major projects together and combine disciplinary strengths. YU Shengming, Deputy Director of Academic Programs Division added they planned to establish about seven new languages as undergraduate programs and that they would also emphasize the internationalization of students.


Finally, delegates and Vice President FANG exchanged gifts with each other.


The Meeting Room

