North Campus, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, May 29th: On May 29th, Dana Prudíková, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, Youth Work and Physical Education of Czech Republic; YOU Lena, Deputy Director of Czech Republic Embassy in China, and SONG Fang, Political Affairs Assistant of Czech Republic Embassy in China, visited GDUFS. SUI Guangjun, Party Secretary and President of GDUFS, and JIAO Fangtai, Vice President of GDUFS, received the guests in the VIP Hall of the Administration Building. The two sides talked about the development of GDUFS and communications with Czech universities.

SUI Guangjun talked with Dana Prudíková
SUI Guangjun first warmly welcomed the delegation and showed gratitude for the Czech government and embassy’s support for the Czech language major of GDUFS. Then he introduced the history and present development of GDUFS and pointed out that – because of its location in Guangdong Province, which is a large economic province – students of GDUFS have a high employment rate and level, especially the graduates of minority language majors, which are very competitive. The Czech language major of GDUFS was established in April 2017, and plans to enroll students in September 2018. He hoped that after this visit, GDUFS would expand cooperation with other Czech universities and cooperate with each other in fields including student exchanging, scholar exchanging, mutual visits, think - tanks and scientific technology.
Dana Prudíková expressed that the exchange of students and teachers has vital importance in the development of higher education. Czech universities have participated in Chinese International Education Expos for several years in a row and hoped to establish contact with more Chinese universities. Apart from the Czech language, Chinese students can also go to Czech Republic to study architecture, science and medical science. She sincerely suggested that GDUFS participate in the Chinese International Education Expo this year, communicate with Czech universities, explore the possibilities of cooperation, and contact the Czech Republic Embassy in China about other affairs.

Group photo
LIANG Xuehong, Dean of the Institute for International Education, and relevant leaders of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and the Faculty of European Languages and Cultures, also attended the meeting.