The second symposium of the Values Symposia (a project of GDUFS which was launched in 2016) was held at Guangdong Museum on May 12th, intended to promote in-depth communication between Chinese and international students with regards to different perspectives on patriotism. As the host, GDUFS hopes to help its overseas students gain more knowledge about Guangdong and China by carrying out this activity. This activity is also part of a project of fostering and practicing the 12 core socialist values.

Professor YU share his understanding of patriotism
During this activity, more than 40 teachers and students from 15 different countries visited the museum and afterwards had a discussion on the topic of views on patriotism. Yangcheng Evening News all-media, Professor YU Xiande from the Institute of International Studies and Professor Stephen Rake from the School of Interpreting and Translation Studies participated in the discussion.

The students visited the exhibition of Guangdong history and culture

Group photo successfully marking the conclusion of the symposium
The Vice Director of the Publicity Department, SHEN Dongmiao, said in her speech that patriotism is a natural human tendency and a universally acknowledged principle. Therefore, sharing views on patriotism from different cultural backgrounds is beneficial for civilizations to blend. Professor YU Xiande and Professor Stephen Rake also shared their patriotic views later in the discussion, pointing out that patriotism should be based on rational knowledge instead of being extreme, blind and narrow. Besides, they both laid a strong emphasis on the importance of taking concrete actions to practice the true sense of patriotism.

A full and heated discussion took place
More distinctive opinions sprung up during the session of open floor discussion. “We are psychologically inseparable with our motherland no matter what happens,”said Komashko Anastasia from Russia. Indian student Bansal Sanjoli argued that patriotism also means respecting other countries and cultures at the same time. Najman Rashad Ismail Mohammed Ali from Yemen held the belief that patriotism is an emotion that embraces custom and tradition. Many other students expressed their opinions on patriotism as well.
After a full and heated discussion, several students felt that not only did this activity bring along the knowledge and deep feelings of the patriotism of young people from all around the world, but also it was a rare opportunity to exchange understandings of culture and civilization.