On March 30th, Lynn Robson, Director of Oxford Prospects and Global Development Centre, paid a visit to GDUFS. LIU Jianda, Vice President of GDUFS, met the distinguished guest in the VIP Hall, along with CAI Hong, Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange. The meeting aimed to extend new ground for cooperation between Oxford and GDUFS.

Vice President LIU talked with Robson
LIU stated that GDUFS has conducted three short-term exchange programs through Oxford Prospects and Global Development Centre. During the summer and winter vacations for the last two years, a total of 48 GDUFS students went to Oxford to attend the programs. Last August, two GDUFS students were admitted as credit-course exchange students at Oxford. After finishing the courses, they returned home in January this year.
“The top students stood out from the intense competition, and proved how good they are. We are looking forward to welcoming more excellent students from GDUFS”, said Robson.
Based on the previous cooperation, this year, Oxford Prospects will select two students from five applicants from GDUFS to study as exchange students at Oxford. As Robson mentioned, access to Oxford also means access to the abundant resources, research networks and libraries, which will largely enrich students’ lives.

LIU Exchanged gifts with Robson

Group photo