On December 13th 2016, a Seminar on Exchange and Communication between Guangdong Institute for International Strategies and Think Tank Delegation from Mumbai, India was held in the International Conference Hall of the Administration Building on the North Campus. The delegation was led by Former Indian Deputy Navy Commander and Senior Researcher of Gateway House, Anil Chopra. School Party Secretary SUI Guangjun and other GDUFS’s school experts received the delegation and welcomed them in the VIP Hall of the Administration Building.
Before the Seminar
After mutual greetings, SUI introduced the history and development, construction of subjects, teaching details and foreign exchange of GDUFS, and expressed his hope for further cooperation with the universities in India. Anil Chopra, who expressed his thankfulness for the warm welcome of GDUFS, hoped that GDUFS could set up an institute for Indian study and have more interaction with GDUFS’s scholars. It is also worth mentioning that three Indian students were invited to the welcome meeting to meet their compatriots.
After the introduction of both sides, SUI sent a picture drawn by a GDUFS’s student as a souvenir to the delegation and then group picture was taken to mark the memorable moment.
During the Seminar
After a short meeting in the VIP Hall, both sides went to the International Conference Hall to hold the official seminar.

SUI delivered the welcome speech
Firstly, SUI delivered a welcome speech. He pointed out that under the leadership of both sides’ leaders, China-India relations are steadily developing. He also said that Guangdong Province - the pioneer of the implementation of the Reform and Opening up Policy - had cooperated with India in the relatively early days. Therefore, he believed that GDUFS, a major internationalized university in Guangdong, could do its part in promoting a profound cooperation with India. GDUFS has signed the cooperation agreement with Jawaharlal Nehru University, serving as an important step for further cooperation of both sides.

Anil Chopra delivered the welcome speech
Secondly, Anil Chopra was introduced to make a welcome speech. He said that both Chinese and Indian civilizations play important roles on the international stage and the Belt and Road benefits both sides. Although China and India have different national interests and some conflicts over some issues, he believed that seeking common ground while reserving differences is always the best solution, and India is willing to learn from China’s experience and seek mutual development.

CHEN Wanling delivered a speech
Then, CHEN Wanling, Senior Fellow of Guangdong Institute of International Strategy, delivered a speech with the theme “Initiative and Implementation of Belt and Road”. He showed great confidence in the construction of Belt and Road by introducing the initiatives offered not only by China that input 40 billion US dollars as the Silk Road Funds, but also the international society and other countries, such as EU and Arab countries.

Dhaval Desai delivered a speech
Senior Fellow and Vice President of Researcher Foundation (Mumbai), Dhaval Desai pointed out that the Belt and Road strategy makes the cooperation and exchange across the continent possible, and boosts the development of economies along the route. He thought that multilateralism is the belief that is recognized by the both sides, and yet both sides still need to enhance mutual understanding. He also expressed his hope for China to join the Indian Initiative to solve the geopolitical conflicts and seek for a secure environment.

CHEN Weiguang delivered a speech
Senior Researcher of Guangdong Institute of International Strategy and Director of Higher Education Research Centre, CHEN Weiguang, delivered a speech with the theme “the Concept and Action of China’s Participation in the Global Governance”, which he analysed from the following three perspectives: the theory of global governance, China’s concept of global governance and China’s action. He characterized the new concept of global governance raised by China with “mutual business, construction and share” and “just and rational”, advocating a harmonious and win-win international environment. What’s more, he introduced China’s action of participating in global governance, such as holding G20 summit to activate the core platform of global economic governance and constructing modern Marine Silk Road – the Belt and Road Initiative.

Aditya Phatak delivered a speech
Senior Researcher of Gateway House, Aditya Phatak, pointed out that India actively participates in multilateral mechanisms and has gained a lot of precious experience form the rapid development of China’s economy. To ensure the effective implementation of Belt and Road, he attached great importance to the information openness and the detailed implementation plan because “some countries may change the rules of the game.”

LIU Jisen delivered a speech
LIU Jisen, Deputy Secretary General of Guangdong International Strategy Research Institute, introduced the general situation of the economic and trade development of Guangdong. He pointed out that Guangdong Province boasts three advantages in terms of developing its economy – strong industrial base, sound service and investment system and efficient and smooth customs clearance. He called for the further cooperation between both sides’ government departments, social organizations, enterprises and think tanks, so as to enhance the mutual understanding.

The seminar
Another highlight of the meeting - Q&A section - was held after the speeches. Both sides discussed questions like the national economic and trade development strategies, interaction between government and enterprise, innovation project development and green development of each country.

Indian Think Tank Delegation visited Guangdong International Strategic Research Institute
After the seminar, with the company of the GDUFS’s leaders, Indian Think Tank Delegation visited Guangdong International Strategic Research Institute.