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Vice-President of Sofia University Visited GDUFS

Time:September 28, 2016  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

On September 18th, Maria Stoicheva, Vice-President of Sofia University, paid a visit to GDUFS, and had a meeting about the cooperation and exchange project with FANG Fanquan, Vice-President of GDUFS. Dr. Elidir King, Former UK National Director for language; Dr. Natasza Styczynska from Jagiellonian University; Dr. Nikolina Tsvetkova and Prof. Dimitar Denkov, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, from Sofia University; along with Prof. CAI Hong, Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange; Prof. CHEN Hanxi, Deputy of Centre for European Studies and Prof. Wang Xiaohai, attended the meeting.


FANG meeting with Maria Stoicheva


FANG Fanquan introduced the basic information of GDUFS. GDUFS is a breeding ground of international talents in southern China, offers 21 language majors, and has established cooperative and communicative relationships with 346 universities. Additionally, GDUFS maintains long-term friendly communication with international organizations such as the UN and EU to provide a global platform to students. The Centre for European Studies, the only institute which focuses on European studies in China, has made a great contribution to the friendly exchange between China and Europe.


Stoicheva gave basic information about the Faculty of Philosophy of Sofia University and the Jean Monnet Programme. She also introduced the Confucius Institute in The Republic of Bulgaria, which was built by the joint efforts of Sofia University and Beijing Foreign Studies University. There has already been cooperation and exchange between Sofia University and GDUFS. Dr. Zhang Jian of Guangdong Institute for International Strategies experienced exchange learning in Sofia University from April to August this year.


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