On the morning of 13th April, A. Samad Said, a celebrated Malaysian novelist and poet, visited GDUFS together with his wife Rashidah Binti MD Dahan and Chan Yong Sin,President of the Association of Translation and Creative Writings in Malaysia. At the meeting with GDUFS delegations, A. Samad Said authorized the translation work of his novel Di Hadapan Pulau to TAN Xiao, the Head of the Malay Language Department of GDUFS.
The attendees were: FANG Fanquan, Vice-President of GDUFS; CAI Hong, Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange; CHEN Duoyou, President of the Faculty of Asian Languages and Cultures; E Kim Tien, the Malaysian Consul in Guangzhou,along with teachers and all students from the Malay Language Department.
At the beginning of the meeting, FANG Fanquan showed a great welcome and gratitude to A. Samad Said for authorizing GDUFS to undertake the translation of his novel. Then A. Samad Said expressed his appreciation for the cordial hospitality GUDFS accorded them. He stated his wishes that he could make contributions to improve the relationship between China and Malaysia.

A. Samad Said and FANG Fanquan
After having a harmonious conversation, FANG Fanquan,on behalf of GDUFS, and A. Samad Said exchanged gifts. Later in the speech given by Chan Yong Sin, he stated that translation work could help to promote the understanding of the two nations and tighten the relationship between them.
The meeting was then followed by the signing ceremony. A. Samad Sain authorized the translation work of his novel Di Hadapan Pulauto TAN Xiao, the Head of Malay Language Department. According to the introduction given by A. Samad Sain, the novel tells a story thathappenedduringthe period of Japanese invasion ofMalaysia. Besides the cultural exchange, he also believed thatthe translation could provide researchers with information about the war.

The signing ceremony
Before the end of the meeting, students from theMalay Language Department presented a fabulous Malaysian dance.

Group photo