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14th AUPF Ends at GDUFS

Time:November 11, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

On November 7th, the closing ceremony of the Asian University Presidents Forum (AUPF) was held at Easeland Hotel, marking the end of the 14th AUPF. ZHONG Weihe, the President of GDUFS; Prof. FANG Fanquan, the vice president of GDUFS; AUPF’s participants and GDUFS’ teachers witnessed this significant moment.


the meeting


Prof. FANG hosted the ceremony, and he showed a brief PowerPoint to review the forum. This PowerPoint included some wonderful moments from pickup, opening ceremony, welcome banquet to group discussion, which showcased GDUFS’ efforts to make the AUPF successful.


Then, ZHONG delivered a speech and expressed his sincere gratitude to everyone present. He said that he benefited a lot by attending the conference and enjoyed communications with others. Asian countries have distinctive features in their higher education, which makes them complementary to each other. As a result, promoting cultural exchange and social progress in the region are necessary. And, exchange and cooperation do contribute to flourishing Asian education. ZHONG extended his best wishes to participants and looked forward to meeting them at the next AUPF.

handing over of the AUPF flag

The most important part of the ceremony was the handing over of the AUPF flag. With the lively songs, ZHONG handed over AUPF flag to Oshima Masakatsu, the vice president of Asia University, which will host the 15th AUPF. All attendees applauded this meaningful moment.


At last, Dr. Oshima gave a brief talk. He thanked ZHONG, GDUFS and all volunteer students who worked for AUPF. And he wished the successful 15th AUPF. Dr. Oshima ended his speech with Chinese words, saying goodbye to everyone.


Chinese Report: 亚洲大学校长论坛常委会会议通过《广州宣言》