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Alumni Witnessed Laying the foundation of the New Teaching Building One

Time:November 10, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

On November 6th, the groundbreaking ceremony of the new Teaching Building One on the north campus was held. Over 50 alumni witnessed this moment together. There were representatives of alumni; alumni associations; teachers, and students at GDUFS, including: GU Shaoming, the Chairman of the board of BAUING DECORATION; 1965 alumnus, WEN Yaoshen; 1965 alumnus, GONG Guoxiang; 1977 alumnus, Qiao Xin and 1986 alunmus, Li Jun. In addition, school leaders including SUI Guangjun, Chairman of University Board; ZHONG Weihe, President of GDUFS, and LU Jinghui, Vice Chairman of University Board, also attended the ceremony. It was presented by Vice President HE Chuantian.


The Cornerstone of Earth


SUI Guangjun said at the ceremony that the construction of the old Teaching Building One was completed in 1959, and it witnessed how the university developed over the past 50 years, how the students gained success in the world, and how the university reacted to the reform and opening up policy. Before it was demolished, the matter of building a new one had already been prepared for. The Alumni Foundation launched an activity to rebuild Teaching Building One, which obtained positive support from alumni in different areas. “The new Teaching Building One will serve as the place for teaching, scientific research, official business and communication, providing teachers and students with good conditions. With the building completed and used, it will undoubtedly continue glories, dreams and excellences of GDUFS!”


SUI Guangjun Speaking

As for the old Teaching Building One which was full of their momeries, the alumni all sighed with deep emotion. “We had classes here, we educated ourselves and we practiced conversations in foreign languages,” said Qiao Xin, a 1977 alumnus majoring in English, and the head of alumni association of Los Angeles. “We made eyes at someone and said I love you.” Qiao Xin smiled sweetly and everyone smiled, too. “My LI Li, oh sorry, my wife, LI Li was also a 1977 alumnus studying English.” LI Li once said that she wouldn’t appreciate him if he was not admitted to GDUFS. “I heard when it was torn down. It really made me upset. As if there was no mental dependence any more. But now, it sounds great to rebuild it.” A 1985 alumnus was looking forward to the construction of the new Teaching Building One.


Qiao Xin Speaking


According to Yang Si, the logistics office director, the new Teaching Building One would spread from 9,000 square meters to 30,000 square meters, with one part underground. The above-ground part would be used for teaching, preparing lessons and the department offices. Apart from this, the underground part would serve as civil air defense, which would be a parking lot in normal times. The construction of the new Teaching Building One would start in April next year. It is estimated that it would be completed in 2017.


Group Photo


Chinese Report:  众校友见证北校新一教奠基