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GDUFS-Coventry University Academic Partnership Office Opening Ceremony

Time:November 10, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

GDUFS-Coventry University Academic Partnership Office Opening Ceremony was held on November 7th 2015, with the 50th Anniversary of GDUFS, in the International College at GDUFS.

The ceremony was attended by the Governor of Coventry University, Mr. Tim Matthews; Deputy Vice Chancellor of Coventry University, Dr. David Pilsbury; the Personnel Director of Coventry University, Mrs. Magi Hoppitt; Executive Secretary of Business and Law Department of Coventry University, Mr. Jeff Clowes; Undersecretary of Business and Law Department of Coventry University, Dr. Don Finlay; the Director of East Asia Department of Coventry University Academic Cooperation Department, Mrs. Zhi Finlay; President of GDUFS, Zhong Weihe; Vice President, Chen Linhan; Director of the GDUFS International Cooperation Division, Cai Hong; Vice Presidents of GDUFS International College, Wei Huiliang and Liu Tianmiao; Dean of SEIB(School of English for International Business) of GDUFS, Guo Guihang; Vice Dean of SEIB of GDUFS, Jiang Yong; President of School of Business of GDUFS, Zhu Wenzhong; Vice President of Business College of GDUFS, Liang Jie; Dean of College of Accountancy of GDUFS, Liu Zhonghua; Secretary of College of Accountancy, Sun Jiahe; President of School of Information of GDUFS, Jiang Shengyi and Vice Presidents Gao Dongfa and Ke Xiaohua.

group photo

There were mainly two items on the agenda of the ceremony ---- General Meeting and Inauguration of Academic Partnership Office.

First of all, the ceremony started with a welcome for distinguished guests coming from afar. As the host, Mr. Wei Huiliang gave a brief introduction of participants’ identities and the theme of the meeting, creating a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere in the conference.

Then Mr. Wei gave the floor to Mr. Tim Matthews, who delivered the opening remarks eloquently. He agreed that it was a splendid occasion with unlimited good vision indeed. Reaffirming the main purpose of academic cooperation, he regarded it as an extraordinary project committed to students’ overall development and their future career.

Next came the address delivered by GDUFS Vice President Chen Linhan. Vice President Chen clarified the advantages of 18-year cooperation between both sides and expected that good intentions as well as joint efforts would be rewarded with more plentiful achievement. Hearty laughter and warm applause showed the approval of the listeners.

Thereafter, Mr. David Pilsbury got on his feet and sincerely expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to visit Guangzhou. Also, according to him, this meeting was an important manifestation of close contact and cooperation between both sides, which indicated their common aspiration for the internationalization of Chinese Education. With regards to the new academic partnership office, he stated that what mattered was not the structure, but the people who worked in the office, along with the ideas they had brought about. And he had every reason to believe that tremendous success was realistic.

the inauguration of the new office

When the general meeting came to an end, the participants stepped into Room 202 at the International College for the inauguration of the new office, where they had a whistle stop tour inside. Then Mr. Tim Matthews and Vice President Chen unveiled the nameplate of the GDUFS-Coventry University Academic Partnership Office, near the end of the ceremony.


Chinese Report: 广外-考文垂大学学术合作办公室成立