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[GDUFS Story] Gong YuXiu Recalls Development of French Major

Time:October 15, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

It was in mid-April at GDUFS. The sun illuminated every corner of the campus. After crossing the road that was covered by the mottled shadow of the trees, the two journalists reached third floor of the School Staff Activity Center and met Teacher Gong YuXiu, who is tall and refined. Gong started the interview with his first impression of GDUFS unhurriedly: ”It was autumn in 1965. I just graduated from Peking University and came to GDUFS for registration. I got out of the train station and got on a tricycle. And it took me to the campus which was located in the north-east suburb of Guangzhou. It was just a place that had a few old buildings. What’s more, the weeds grew in wanton profusion. In a word, it was no better than an ordinary middle school.”


Recalling Today and Yesterday of GDUFS

“In the 1960s, international communication in China had been gradually increasing. Hence, the demands for foreign language talents were growing. At that time, RAO Zhang Feng, the backbone of the initial stages of GDUFS’s development, was entrusted by the provincial Party committee to prepare to found Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages (the predecessor of GDUFS) and be secretary of the Party committee and the president.” On July 25th 1965, Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages was established on the former site of Guangdong Petroleum School in the north-east suburb.



In 1970, departments of foreign languages at Zhongshan University, Jinan University and other universities were merged into Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages, and the campus was moved to HuangPoDong in the north suburb of Guangzhou (the old address of Central South University of Forestry). Furthermore, it was officially renamed as Guangdong Institute of Foreign Languages. “At that time, individuals owned just a few properties, so teachers and students all became removers and spared no effort to change their place. Initially, the main teaching building was Building One, but it was knocked down last year. Nowadays, dormitories are behind Building Two and many new buildings have been constructed. How tremendous the changes are!” Both the environment and teaching conditions are developing step by step, showcasing the thriving scenes. However, memories of ShouGouLing, HuangPoDong and the demolished Building One would never be effaced in the hearts of old GDUFSers.


Today, what impresses students on the north campus most are the Melaleucas along the road. When asking Mr.Gong about that, he just shook his head and smiled, saying “I have no idea what Melaleuca is, but all I know is that both new trees and old trees are telling the stories about today and yesterday of GDUFS’.


The Development of the French Major

“Since China and France had already established diplomatic relations with each other, the demand for French-speaking graduates was increasing. There were only four majors at GDUFS after its establishment, one of which was French. Originally, there were few teachers. Some of them were experienced and some of them were graduates, as I was. After that, we employed a French language teacher. Thankfully the improvement has always been rapid and successful. That’s enough.” Mr.Gong put a radiant smile on his face.


In 1965, from Beijing to Guangzhou, when four French language teachers reached GDUFS, their appearances were like a stream of fresh blood flowing into the heart of the French major. The development of the French major was booming and the number of teachers even reached 44. Our teachers were always in a leading position in the Faculty of European Languages and Cultures.


“The foreign teachers didn’t know about Chinese, so students and teachers needed to communicate with each other in French. For students who had zero foreign language ability at the very beginning, understanding the teachers was a big challenge. When they failed to express what they wanted to say orally, they would use body language. Of course, if it was too abstract and complex, Chinese teachers would explain the content for them. In such a high-intensity learning environment, students’ language level improved rapidly. On the one hand, it was related to the teaching method of school. On the other hand, students’ learning intentions were explicit. What’s more, they were really hard-working!” Every time Mr. Gong mentioned students who graduated from the French Major, tenderness lingered on his face.


“During those years, we attached a great deal of importance to education. Teachers must be very responsible for their students. ‘Listening and speaking take the lead, followed by reading and writing.’ None of them could fall behind. After all, people graduating from university should be engaged in diplomacy and foreign trade.” At that time, the relationship between teachers and students was close because they lived in the same dormitory building. Therefore, the quality of teaching had improved a lot.


Over the past fifty years, since the French major has always persisted in the teaching idea ‘Cultivate international talents’ and has placed much emphasis on education, it is really gaining momentum. In recent years, it has kept up with educational reform which is based on language and literature, fostering practical foreign languages talents in terms of intercultural communication competence and language practical ability. Moreover, it has cooperated with enterprises widely and created a new teaching method which enables the cultivation of talents, foreign language teaching as well as achievements in scientific research to serve the improvement of the economy and society. When it came to achievements of the French major, Mr. Gong said he was delighted to witness it. At the same time, he regarded it as the excellent teaching tradition left by previous GDUFSers. “The emphasis placed on educational and teaching quality brought a reputation for teaching and research of today’s GDUFS.”


Best Wishes for Students

A key difference from now is that in the past, the university would attach much importance to students’ identities. “They were mainly workers, poor and lower-middle farmers or cadre children who were hard-working, unsophisticated and plain in their living.” Speaking of previous students, Mr. Gong was serious. “They spared no effort to learn a foreign language. Unfortunately, they just learnt for a year approximately and were forced to stop because of the start of the Cultural Revolution. Actually, many of them could have been outstanding foreign language talents.” Regret and mawkishness was on Mr. Gong’s face.


It is a proud thing to be a student of GDUFS. “Previously, it was exciting and hopeful to study at GDUFS, of course so is it nowadays.” Mr. Gong smiled and said. In the 1970s, he guided a few young college students to Guangzhou Bicycle Plant to run the university. They held the flag of Guangdong Institute of Foreign Languages all the way and that attracted others’ favorable attention. “They knew that these young men would possess a bright future. In the past, students learning French were the so-called ‘go-abroad standard’. They all would be given an opportunity to work abroad as long as they behaved well, regardless of their background and social relations.”


With regard to the confusion of younger generations, Mr. Gong presented some words to them: “It is normal for young people to experience a confused period. Although life on campus is entirely different from the social reality, students ought to study hard so that they are able to lay a tough foundation for themselves, enrich their knowledge and pursue progress. Pursuing materials excessively is wrong.’


“Stories of GDUFS are endless.” Fifty years has gone, and the man who grew up together with GDUFS has grey temples now. As GDUFS is thriving, Mr. Gong felt joyful, saying that “GDUFS fostered me and I made my own contribution to it.” Teachers and the school itself bond with each other with speechless feelings.


(Gong YuXiu, previous Professor of Faculty of European Languages and Cultures, retired in 2003.


Chinese Report: 龚毓秀讲述法语专业50年历程