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Philippine and Chinese Delegations Talk about 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Construction at GDUFS

Time:September 19, 2015  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

On the morning of September 17, a forum called 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Construction: From the Perspectives of China and Philippines was held in the International Meeting Hall of the Administration Building on the north campus. Twenty-six Philippine delegates, four GDUFS scholars, two officials of the International Department of the Central Committee of CPC and two officials from the Office of International Affairs of Guangdong Province attended the forum. Vice President HE Chuantian; Professor CHEN Weiguang of GDUFS Higher Education Research Center, and Georgina P. De Venecia, President of Philippine Congresswomen League, delivered speeches at the forum.


The forum scene


First of all, Vice President HE Chuantian extended a warm welcome to the Philippine guests. He pointed out that the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road will be a prosperous road shared by all countries along it. The One Belt One Road initiative (OBOR) put forward by President XI Jinping is not competing against other countries, but instead welcoming them to join it, so as to develop and benefit together. He hoped it would be a powerful engine for the development of all countries. In addition, he introduced GDUFS and Guangdong Research Institute for International Studies to the guests.


Vice President HE speaking


Professor CHEN Weiguang delivered a speech entitled The Background of the One Belt One Road Initiative and Reflections on China-Philippines Problems. He firstly talked about the history of the Maritime Silk Road and the development and the implementation of the OBOR initiative. Then he listed the principles, characteristics and goals of the initiative: “The One Belt and One Road is a road connecting Europe, Asia and Africa. On this road we have commercial trade, cultural communication and we will share prosperity with each other.” In addition, he said, ”it is also the wings of achieving the soar of Asia.” Besides, he indicated that it is of great importance to improve the infrastructure construction, of which the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) plays a vital role. Professor CHEN was concerned about China-Philippines relationship, as the two countries have established a strategic partnership of peace and development since 1975. He expressed his wishes of developing the bilateral cooperation, increasing economic trade and promoting the people-to-people relationship.


Professor CHEN delivering speech

Ms. Georgina P. De Venecia expressed her gratitude for the GDUFS and Chinese delegation and gave a brief introduction of the congresswomen present at the forum. She said no countries could achieve economic success alone in a globalized world where we are interdependent and closely connected. “Despite the differences and some unsolved problems between China and the Philippines, we have hoped to deepen our friendship since ancient times and to establish a long-lasting mutual beneficial partnership.


Ms. Georgina P. De Venecia speaking


During the discussion section, Philippine delegates took an active rlole in asking questions, including: how to enhance the people-to-people relationship, and how Philippines can cooperate with China in terms of technology. Professor CHEN used some of his personal experience when replying to the delegates’ questions, which won their approval.


Finally, Vice President HE gave a summary speech. He said, ”we believe that such communication is a good beginning. There will be more and more opportunities for people from China and the Philippines to contact each other. From people to government, the communication span will be extended.”