Exploring scenery and culture in other countries is what people are always dreaming of. But money is sometimes a huge impediment. Luckily, students in GDUFS are given many opportunities to achieve their dreams.
In 2013, various international exchange programs enabled 882 students in GDUFS to leave their footprints in 41 countries and regions. To know more about their experiences, GLOBAL YOUTH and the Office of International Cooperation & Exchange interviewed some exchange students.
This article covers interviews with students that took part in Government scholarship projects, including those funded by the Country China Scholarship Council, the Guangzhou Elite Project and CAMPUS Asia. Undergraduates, postgraduates and PhD students shared these opportunities.
Cultural Difference Is What Enchants Me
LIN Ziwen A junior, Spanish major from FELC the Country China Scholarship Council Elite Undergraduate Project and The Autonomous University of Puebla
According to LIN Ziwen, the greatest thing about being an exchange student is to have the chance to meet locals in their home countries, to see the unique architecture there, and to become a better person there.
The Autonomous University of Puebla is the best public university in Mexico. Differing from those in the prosperous metropolitan areas in China, quietness is the theme of Puebla.
The rich academic atmosphere there urged LI to participate more actively in her classes. Language was no longer a barrier. As a Chinese student, she took part in various activities, introducing China as well as GDUFS, to foreign students.

Hundreds of Pages A Night? Normal!
LIU Dan, a Business English major doing postgraduate work from SEIB, was part of the Guangzhou Elites Project at the University of Nottingham taking courses for her PhD in Education.
Annually, 50 students are given scholarships by the Guangzhou Government to study at well-known foreign universities for their PhD degrees. Last year, LIU Dan became one of them.
LIU discovered that the biggest challenge of earning a PhD is to rely solely on herself, since answering academic questions asked for one’s personal point of view yet must be backed by relevant documents or papers. That’s why students are required to read extensively there.
After studying for some time, LIU felt that she has become a critical thinker. Efforts paid off.

To Play & To Study
DENG Yuyang a Japanese majordoing postgraduate work from FALC with the CAMPUS Asia Project.
CAMPUS Asia was co-founded by the Chinese, Korean and Japanese Governments. DENG Yuyang was selected by the CAMPUS Asia TA Project as a student representative to study in Korea for half a year.
DENG remembered his Korean teacher, JIN Longmin’s words;”You need to study for your country. Do not forget to go out and play when you are young. But, please, do learn something when you play. To play is to learn.” DENG said, and, while play was allowed, he still put study in the first place.

Facts Make Independence and Impersonality
CHEN Liangbing, a Computer Science Major, Graduated from the School of Cisco Informatics and is now with the China Scholarship Council Elite Undergraduate Project at Queensland University of Technology.
In the spring of 2013, soon after returning to GDUFS, CHEN Liangbing visited the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, consulting the exchange program personnel, a visit which followed soon after his IELTS exam. As a result his application and participation in the China Scholarship Council Elite Undergraduate Project came about. During the entire process, CHEN always impressed teachers as a positive and proactive student.
While studying at Queensland University of Technology in Australia, the young man made acquaintance with hordes of foreigners there andwith whom he had a good time. Maybe the craziest thing was that CHEN, with his new friends jumped into a waterfall, without any hesitation, on a freezing cold day when the temperature was ten below zero degrees. He said “the feeling was that, because every cell seems frozen, the experience leaves you feeling the pleasures of rebirth.”
The more he explored international feelings and experiences he had with foreigners , the more deeply he felt was the understanding he had about Australia, and the more appreciation he had of his motherland. When asked to describe his friends abroad, he refused, which is a way of respect that he learned in Australia----“A popular way of thinking is that all are changing all the time, and you are not as you were before.”
From one race to another, from one country to another, the experience enables people to become more tolerant and with less prejudice and to appreciate all and then, to form their own concept of value and world view and their own special way to act.

The Microblog of Office of International Cooperation & Exchange: The WeChat of the Office of International Cooperation & Exchange: GWinternational
Background about the projects:
The China Scholarship Council Elite Undergraduate Project: The China Scholarship Council is a non-profit organization, part of the Board of Education, aiming to help economically disadvantaged students to get further study abroad. (The website: http://www.csc.edu.cn/)
CAMPUS Asia (Collective Action of Mobility Program of University Students): The project is a kind of cooperation among the Chinese, Japanese and the South Korean Governments, emphasizing the importance of exchange students.
The Guangzhou Elites Project: The project is supported by the Guangzhou Government and is designed to help excellent students to gain doctoral degrees in top colleges and universities.
(The website: http://www.gzscse.gov.cn/gzscse07/gep/
Quotes of Interviewees:
LIU Ziwen: “As overseas students, we are supposed to promote the best elements of China and the Chinese culture besides working hard. And, when participating in some exchange students’ activities, to introduce the motherland and our University, in positive ways and our behavior is seen as a representation on behalf of China and GDUFS”.
LIU Dan: “The Guangzhou Elites Project is an excellent platform for both students and GDUFS; therefore, the competition is fierce, the type for which long-term and full preparation are needed”.
DENG Yuyang: “The priority of students is to learn. Learn well, understand well and then make choices they will not regret”.
CHEN Liangbing: “Raise the level of your English and then go abroad to explore exotic cultures”.