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GDUFS Signed a Cooperation Agreement with Yangcheng Evening News

Time:May 8, 2013  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

May 7th-  The signing ceremony for strategic cooperation between GDUFS and the Yangcheng Evening News was held at GDUFS扸IP Lounge on April 22nd. Chaired by Chen Jianping, a corporation agreement was signed at the ceremony between the newspaper抯 Editor in Chief Liu Hailing and GDUFS President Zhong Weihe. 



The two sides signing an agreement.

Before signing the cooperation agreement, Yangcheng Evening News had a discussion with GDUFS about the businesses which fit in with students?specialties. Then, President Zhong shared his views on how the cooperation will benefit both sides and will retain the good cooperative model which was formed during the London Olympic Games. Liu Hailing agreed that both sides should make every effort to maintain and strengthen their current relationship.



Zhong Weihe giving a speech.


Hu Wentao talked about the motivation as well as the specific ways that both parties can benefit from this agreement. He pointed out that GDUFS and the Yangcheng Evening News could share resources so as to build a cooperative organization between a university and the media. Also, both sides could do some research projects and hold some activities to train students studying human resources. Moreover, he pointed out that the teachers as well as students from GDUFS could provide great support for the Yangcheng Evening News in various aspects. Later, Guo Guanghua, Dean of the School of Journalism, introduced the general situation about the faculty and analyzed its advantages in the aspect of project research. His hope for this cooperation is to see GDUFS working with Yangcheng Evening News in the area of international communication.



The scene at the forum.


At the end of the cereony, Sui Guangjun gave a speech and briefly introduced the academic achievements as well as development strategies of GDUFS. He pointed out that GDUFS was willing to cooperate with Yangcheng Evening News to make new breakthroughs. Furthermore, Huangbin emphasized that the cooperation was of great significance and shared his hopes that both sides will establish a training system so as to promote the development.



Sui Guangjun giving a speech.


At the end of the ceremony, both sides exchanged mementoes and took group photos.



Participants taking group photos.

Source: GDUFS News Website