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Pres. Zhong in Dubai: Education Transformation and Internationalization

Time:April 2, 2013  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:


March 2013---At the British Council Going Global 2013 Conference in Dubai, President Zhong Weihe shared perspectives on how the education section must transform to support continued economic growth in the session Driving China抯 Economy --- Can Education Deliver?


President Zhong said that the world had witnessed an 揺conomic miracle?in China, with an average 10% GDP growth over the last decade, accompanied by massive expansion of higher education. In the past 30 years, the number of university graduates has grown from 30,000 a year to more than six million. But he questioned whether the sector would be able to support the next phase of economic development.


He also stressed internationalization would be important for graduates to work globally, in foreign companies in China or Chinese companies active internationally. Thus universities should increase international programs and academic exchange. International research collaboration, meanwhile, would benefit both industry and education development.


The theme of Going Global  2013 is 揔nowledge-based Economies for 21st Century Nations". Panelists from Peking University, Wuhan University of Technology, East China Normal University, and British Council China also expressed their views.    



Source:  British Council