13th-March--President Zhong Weihe hospitably welcomed Polish youth poet Jacek Dehnel to GDUFS at the North Campus on March 13th. Krzysztof Ciebien, Polish General Consul in Guangzhou, along with other staff members of the Polish Consulate also attended the meeting.

President Zhong Weihe talks with the Polish poet
President Zhong expressed his appreciation to the Polish consulate in Guangzhou for inviting the youth poet to visit GDUFS. He also said that Polish literature has been well known in China for a long time now and he hoped this visit will further stimulate students?interest in Polish literature and language. Meanwhile, President Zhong also had a discussion with the Polish consulate on the issue of establishing Polish language study at GDUFS as a new major and he expressed his hope for support in staff recruiting and facility construction.
The Polish poet was profoundly impressed by the campus of GDUFS and he stated that the environment here is perfectly suitable for language study and it is the ideal place for poets and artists to visit.
During the conversation with Ciebien, on behalf of the Polish Consulate in Guangzhou, President Zhong promised that he will promote the cooperation between GDUFS and universities in Poland. Moreover, he will help to build up a Polish-teaching team and support the establishment of Polish language study in southern parts of China. Finally he hopes that the friendship between China and Poland will be everlasting and prosperous as the flower in the campus.
In the end, President Zhong Weihe granted souvenir to the guests and afterwards the Polish Guests went to Faculty of English Language and Cultural and had a lecture there.
Polish poet came to visit GDUFS