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Three Transformations to Be Achieved by Strategy Research Institute

Time:September 11, 2012  Author:  Editor:  Source:   Photo:

Sep. 4th--  On Aug.27 and 28th, Guangdong International Strategy Research Institute together with the Mei Linhu Hotel held a seminar about the developing Think Tank construction on the north campus of GDUFS.


Party Secretary Sui Guangiun of GDUFS, along with Vice President GuYeli and some principals of the institute attended the meeting which was chaired by Gu Yeli.


Sui Guangjun giving a speech.


Li Qing made the first report on 揟he construction of Think Tank with its core competence.After the three-year construction under the support of the college, the Strategy Research Institute, which aims to get the rank of ?Five-One Project?integrated the preponderant research source, set up a research team with clear direction and made influence on studies both at home and abroad.


Besides, the Strategy Research Institute established a system of inner management based on a solid foundation. Li Qing put forward his ideas mainly in five aspects: First, improve the governance structure of legal person and prepare to set up a council and solve the problem on sustainable secured funding; Second, collect ideas about research and support the innovative team which works on China抯 taking part in management of the global economy. Third, form high-level,full-time andrt-time teams with strength. Fourth, lift platforms and make some achievements to expand their influence. Fifth, pay attention to the international cooperative projects and apply for international funds.


Gu Yeli giving a speech.


Participants appreciated the work and at the same time provided valuable suggestions for future work. They mentioned the Strategy Research Institute should cultivate the talents and aim to continue to build the Think Tank with the following core competents: Innovate the system, build a brand,and get high-end results so as to serve society. Leaders from different departments of GDUFS expressed that they would support this endeavor and have great interactions with the Strategy Research Institute.


Shi Youqi giving a speech.


Party Secretary Sui Guangjun gave an important speech at the meeting. First, he thanked all the departments of the college for their support and help of the Strategy Research Institute. He pointed out that GDUFS attached great importance to the construction of 搕wo institutes with two bases? At the end, he proposed three transformations in the development of the research institute: First, change from staking out the turf to intensive cultivation. Second, change from building institution to optimizing mechanism. Third, transform from from manual labor to intelligence release. Later, Sui Guangjun also put forward three proposals for the research institute: Hold bi-weekly forums to strengthen the acadamic communication; do a better job on both application and construction of master as well as doctor program; and cultivate innovative ways and exchange ideas on scientific research.


The chief researcher and leaders of all the departments discussing on the development of the research institute.


Gu Yeli said in his speech that after three years of development, the Strategy Research Institute has gradually gained a clear orientation, strong aims, and new ideas. However, a few aspects still need to be discussed, such as the innovation of the mechanism construction.


Source: GDUFS News Website